School Readiness (Financial Assistance Program)


School Readiness (Financial Assistance) Program

ELC Broward School Readiness Program offers financial assistance to income-eligible families to obtain affordable, high-quality childcare & after care in Broward County for children ages birth to 13 years old.


Apply for School Readiness Program 


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Working and/or participating in an educational activity such as college/trade school at least 20 hours per week; or 
  • Temporarily or permanently disabled as documented by a physician and/or a Social Security Award letter.  
  •                                      AND
  • Gross household income at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)*
    1. Family of 1 person = $22,590 or less
    2. Family of 2 people = $30,660 or less
    3. Family of 3 people = $38,730 or less
    4. Family of 4 people = $46,800 or less
    5. Family of 5 people = $54,870 or less
    6. Family of 6 people = $62,940 or less

For a complete sliding scale list of fees based on FPL,

click here: Sliding Fee Scale FY24-25

ELC Broward Family Services Eligibility Management Team Directory: Select Link

School Readiness (Childcare Subsidy) Application Tutorial

For more video tutorials to register for the School Readiness Program, watch these  TUTORIAL VIDEOS.

tutorials video link


How to apply for the School Readiness Program: A Step-by-Step Guideline


Step 1 – Click Apply to School Readiness to create a Family Portal Account

Step 2- After creating/activating your account, sign in and apply for School Readiness. 

Step 3 – Allow ELC Broward staff up to 20 Calendar days to follow up with the next steps

How Long Will I be On the Waitlist?

Children are enrolled based on priorities set by the state and the date they applied. 

How do I find my placement on the waitlist?

Though we’d like to be able to tell you, it’s not possible to give you an exact "number" of where you are at on the wait list.


The factors that determine this information change, such as:

1. Amount of funding available from state and local resources;

2. Number of currently funded children who leave care;

3. Age of your child(ren);

4. Purpose for care; and

5. Number of children and their priority on the waitlist ahead of you.

But my need is now, what can I do?

Our trained Child Care Resource and Referral team is available to you, at no cost, to discuss available options while you wait

Call (954) 377-2188 Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Eligibility is determined by parents’ gross income and must not exceed 150% of the federal poverty level. Families pay a copayment for child care based on income and family size. 

View the 2023-24 Sliding Fee Scale Chart 

School Readiness child care assistance is available to Broward parents or families who:

  • Are working or participating in an educational activity such as attending college or trade school at least 20 hours per week 
  • Temporarily or permanently disabled as documented by a physician and/or a Social Security Award letter.

You may apply for School Readiness services by clicking here:  Family Portal

Once you apply your application is reviewed and you are contacted by Email. If you are potentially eligible, you are placed on the waitlist until enrollment takes place, depending on availability of funding. Once funding for School Readiness becomes available, it is distributed based on the date of the approved application.

Preliminary documentation is required before your application will be validated:
Income verification form (new job or paid by cash)

  • Verification of Employment form can be obtained HERE
  • Pay stubs (last 4 weekly pay stubs, last 2 pay stubs if paid bi-weekly or semi-monthly, or last pay stub if paid monthly)
  • Self-employment documentation (most recent tax return or YTD  (Year-To-Date) business records with invoices and receipts for expenses) . Please use the following work calendar template to show the hours you work (Sample Work Calendar download here)
  • Education documentation (enrollment verification and schedule or ELC education/training form)
  • Social Security disability documentation statement from physician and SS award letter

If you move and have a new address or change your phone number or other contact information, be sure to update your records with us at 954-377-2188 or send an Email to

Our trained Child Care Resource and Referral team is available to assist you, at no cost, to discuss available options while you wait. Call us at 954-377-2188 Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or Email