Summer Booster Grant

We are excited to let you know about an additional grant opportunity, but we need for you to act fast!!  The deadline for submission of this grant application is June 30, 2021.  The grant application will look almost exactly like the one you just completed for the Phase V grant.  This grant opportunity is for currently open/operating child care facilities, regardless of whether they are contracted with the Early Learning Coalition, providing early care and education services to Broward’s young children.

Apply Now - Summer Booster Grant

Click here to register and apply for the Summer Booster Grant

Log in to your individual Customer Relationship Management (CRM) page. You will use the same username and password to log in as you did for the Phase V Grant to complete the application. Once you have logged in this will look exactly like what you did to complete the Phase V grant. You will click on “Add New” and select “Summer Booster Grant” once you have done so you will be brought to the application to complete.

While we welcome you to complete the grant application now, we will also be holding a webinar Friday, June 25, at 9:30 am.  We will review the entire application and go step by step through the application, so at the end of the webinar we expect most participants to be able to send the completed document right then. 

Click here to register for the Summer Booster Grant Workshop on Friday, June 25 at 9:30 am

**Please note, if you choose not to join us Friday, the item most child care businesses got wrong on the Phase V grant was the budget.  PLEASE complete the budget based on the base grant amount that corresponds to your licensed capacity.

Frequently Asked Questions

The application deadline is June 30.

Yes, as long as you meet other criteria listed on the grant for non-contracted child care facilities.  

No.  You must be currently providing child care/early care services to be eligible.

We will try our hardest to pay in batches every two weeks.  So, for those who submit their applications immediately, please wait three weeks before expecting payment.  We will try and pay earlier, but we cannot promise it, given the volume of grant applications we will be processing.  You can actually check on where your application is in the system through the database you are using to submit the application.


Yes.  We need a separate application for each of your schools.  At the top left of the application form, you can select “New Record” after finishing the application for your first school.  By clicking “New Record”, your name will be pre-populated, and you will scroll through to choose you other school(s), and complete the form again.  Continue doing this for however many school you have. 

If you applied for CARES grant phase 5, you already have a login.  Hit “sign in,” and sign in.  If you do not remember your password, just click “forgot your password” and you will be prompted to reset your password.