Broward Bonuses - New mini-mester


mini mester pic

The Early Learning Coalition of Broward, in partnership with  the AD Henderson Foundation, is offering a mini-mester of Broward Bonuses.


Spots are limited.


You must apply and be accepted. 


First come, first serve with a fully completed and signed application.


This is very limited funding. 


We cannot guarantee you will be accepted.


You can apply for each training opportunity but will only be offered 1.


Only 1 course/stipend per person.


Each course varies in availability, hours, language and stipend amount. 


Some of the courses are multiple sessions.


Stipend amounts range from $75 to$200.


ALL training is in person. 


We appreciate your understanding as we balance high demand and limited funding. 


Note: If you are already enrolled in 10 Components of Directors In Action, please Do NOT apply. 


apply now

For course descriptions, click here

Questions about trainings, email